I have become lazy, and i dont write so eagerly like before. I dindnt even go to the museums, whcih i really like.I got lost, first because of losing my ticket, then because of the too much wine in the flat here in Sucre and then because of chatting away the way with many friends. In couchsurfing -when you connect with the place and the people there -i always feel that i am not going to fall in love again, i cant meet again someone so much like a sun in the heart. And then it happens over and over again.And probably this is the part why it is great to travel alone, because you are not alone never (since i left Andrea i spent more or less maximum 2 hours alone), you get together with birds from other corners and fly around for a while together.
I am leaving for la Paz in 3 hours, it is going to be a travel during the night, i chose my seat next to a women. I have in my bag little bags - all bought in bolivia. One wants to buy half the market, they are cheap and incredibly beautful. I started going to the market places every day,
now i bought my banana, almoands and the peach there. I talk with the seller woman, make them feel a little guilty if they want to charge me too much, and tell them where i am travelling next. I am eating a lot of fruits here, mango, avocado, apples, banana. Upstairs on the market, there is a "comedor", an eating place. Alvaro showed me, and you can have a nice meal without meat for 3 bolivianos (30 euro cents). Then i cover my nose when we pass through the part of the meat lying around naked everywhere and at the exit i buy a chocolate as well.
Here in sucre we lived in a hippy house.
This was the christmas palm tree
Felix the chilean mechanic/musician hyperactive always talking guy.
A chilean girl, having somewhere a french love.
Mirko, the silent german traveller, and some else. Their house was like a hostal, with a rabbit,
a hamster, and always some new guests. Alvaro is from Chile, and now he is heading to Brasil. He said he doesnt like santiago because it is too caotic. He was manufacturing old school wallets from tetra pack, now i have also one.
Christmas was spent in the living room, with a lot of wine and cigarettes. After midnight, after the family you go out to party, just like on new years eve. Some went out.
We had fun. You know these nice moments, when many people from different countries, speaking stupidties, stroking the rabbit, everyone trying evey kind of instrument, and somehow it works and you feel warm.
Poor animal :(
Sucre is wonderful. Everything white, colonnial buildings, hilly.
The independence of Bolivia was declared here. Bolivar was of basque origin, and Rousseau Voltaire and the death of his wife led him to become themost important person in the histroy of Latin America. He led 35 succesfull battles. In Venezuela, Caracas in 1811 the Congress declared indipendence (Napoleon took over the Spanish). By 1822 Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador were free. San Martin (the argentinian liberator) left Lima, Peru in 1824 so Bolivar went there and liberated Peru and AltoPeru (now known as bolivia, literally meaning high peru). The deciding battle was on 6th August, at Junin where also General Sucre participated. One year later, on the anniversary, on the Congress of Chuquisaca (the former name of Sucre) Alto Peru declared its indipendce from Peru and gave the name of the country after it liberator Bolivar. And the city was renamed Sucre, after the general who generated this process.
Bolivar had a dream of a united LatinAmerica, just like the USA. Sadly, his dream fell to pieces, there was a Gran Colombia for a while, but not long. At least, now he is a hero.
I dont know how i will pay in this internet place coz i only have 100 boliviano notes. They have problems with change here in this continent. In Argentina it was worse, but also here, the waiter preferred to give me the coffe instead of 5 for 3,5 than to change the 100 note for me. The sweet thing is when they dont have a little change to give you, you get some sweets instead of money :)
In Potosi Bolivia looked sad to me. It has a sad history, with the minig, millions of africans and bolivians dying in the mines... The once richness can be admired on the many churches around the city. Bolivians drink a lot, some men seem to be always drunk. Here in Sucre they are happier. I will tell you more, now i have to go. Kiss