We are in Cafayate, in valles calchaqui - Quilmes was in the same valley. The climate is still marvellous.
This is Dani, our host, who hates th eportenos (people from Buenos Aires) and sometimes speaks ina stange way (Perro venir, tu correr y baaaang), and has a huge heart. He is a guardian in a natural park nearby.
We drank a lot of WINE (after Mendoza, this is the other wine region - they are cheap and delicious!!)
the main kinds here, i am strating to understand something about wines
this is pne bodega (wine cellar)
We made a dinner in a hostal
There was Jack the amercian writer. The English have a terrible accent - poor - when speaking Spanish. Houlaw, mee nombrer es Susanao, encantaodow... I always have to laugh.
We played ping pong
There was a big championship between the European countries and the locals, but since the hostel owner play everyday, our chances were low...
here you can buy Coca and Bica (Bicarbonat, a white powder which accelerates the effect but is very bad for your health, Dani would say Una mierda es)
We meet Stefano, the italian all the time :)
We were in a cheese producing house
Christmas is coming
Dog Marley was our little friend with rastas. He almoast had a tragic end, when he entered in the house with us. The half pitbull housekeeper dog came, didnt say a word and took him by the neck. I thought Marley would die in 2 seconds... There were 3 people trying to separate the pitbull from teh dog - they say teh only way is to suffocate it. I was starting to loose my fear of dogs, but this incident shocked me...
Poor dog marley, here he is wet after the battle
I have found an English Hungarian dictionary in ahostel - i am not the first here :(((((((((((((
I have new sunglasses
ciao ciao
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