All they long we were walking around on the riverside (costanera) and we drank some mate. The last time i drank it was in spain. Little green stuff :) Esteban told us it has a stroy in everyones life: when you are young you want to drink it coz u see your father slipping it. but they dont give you (for me it is almoast stronger than coffee). Then when you are a teenager you start taking mate with your friends, but mate dulce (with sugar). Mate is usually taken by groups of people, with one straw (bombilla) and it is passed around like a joint. Every person has to drink out one portion of water (very little since the "pot" is full with the leaves). Then, getting older, you gradually switch to mate amargo (without sugar). You have reached your maturity when you are even taking mate on your own, in your home. Only the uruguaians exceed the mate consumption of the argentinians: they even drink it while riding the bike. However, the riverside here in Rosario was also full: not only with people, but with mates passing around.
The handsome Manuel
Jose San Martin (you remember the national heroe) was good friends with Bolivar and they decided to free all Latin America and had a vision of one and only Latin America.
The flag ( has also a sun as a symbol. This was originally used in the war. Now it is alwas there. Sweet.
I met Klaudia, a hungarian volunteering here at a women's right organization. She told me very interesting things. I will write some time later about it. Tonight we should cook something for Esteban, something typical... Hmm, the problem is that central european food is a little bit difficult to cook, so we will just invent some potatoe stuff :)
Piropos of the day: I love you - from a worker on the street.
Tomorrow we leave to the Iguazu falls.
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