I have made more miles in this last 10 days than all my trip before. Okay, this is exaggerated, but i have started my long exodus from Peru to Brasil. I have bought my new ticket, i fly from Salvador de Bahia on the 7th of February. My parents were worried that it was way too far from Peru. They dont know that by now, a 20 hours bus trip seems quite normal to me. Here, the distances are measured different. If you want to get to the next biggest city, you have to sit patient in a bus for at least 6 hours. In Europe, you cross half of a country by this time. To get to Brasil from Cuzco I had two choices, or float around the amazonas for a time between 1 week and 1 month (nobody could tell me how much it could be...) or to go down through bolivia, cross via Santa Cruz. From Cuzco there are some routes, but nobody could tell me for sure that i would once reach teh shore that way. My father did not believe me i am going to through the jungle. He told me there are highways there, everyhting is okay! Hmmm, here a highway is in the best of all cases a road with concrete, but still, bridges can fall down, rivers can flow around the road blocking the way, or a bus can break down in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere...
It is funny, how my travel is getting less and less planned. I have no idea of Brasil, my portoguese might not be even enough to get rid of flirtatious brasileros :)
I am in Santa Cruz, which is still Bolivia but has nothing to do with the Altiplano (highlands). There is jungle, heat, humidity, fancy restaurants, Subway (the sandwich brand), trendy fashion bars. In my guidebook i read that Santa Cruz has more in common with Miami than with Bolivia. It has some truth in it, but i am sure here it is nicer than in Miami. This is the rich region, with all the companies and with more white people. Few weeks before, when Evo was reelected president, there was almoast a civil war breaking out... Evo has this policy (i think his modified constitution wa partly about this), that these rich regions should pay more taxes to develop the mayority of the poor regions... Finally the pacifism won, and they negotiated.
In Cochabamba they have been shooting a film with Gael Garcia about the water war. The water war occured when the IMf (which because of the credits determined more or less all the economy policies of these countries) forced the municipality to sell the water to foreign investments, so the prices would have risen incredibly. The people took to the streets, various times, and forced the foreign company out.
In Cochabamba they have been shooting a film with Gael Garcia about the water war. The water war occured when the IMf (which because of the credits determined more or less all the economy policies of these countries) forced the municipality to sell the water to foreign investments, so the prices would have risen incredibly. The people took to the streets, various times, and forced the foreign company out.
I do couchsurfing, and it is the first time i stay in the house of a family. IT IS WONDERFUL!!! They told me the cruzenos (the people from here) have a competition with hospitality. They treat me like a member of a family with the only exception that they do not let me wash the dishes or take a micro to the station, Guillermo takes me by car.
The family is in its rare moments of being complete, because the daugthers study and work in different cities. But since now there are the summer holidays, they are all here.
We went to eat at a place where they played music. Mexican music is quite popular here. On the buses the situation gets worse, i am so desperate for the trash songs that i started writing down the terrible lyrics.
They have a funny dog, who wants to bite the water :)
We ate pizza al cono - weird!
The most wonderfuls are the sundays in my trip. When i have hosts, they have more time, families are together and the cities are calm and happy. We went to the aunts house, with a swimming pool, a parrot (it cant speak coz nobody taugth it), some dogs and no horses anymore (somebody stole them and the watcher was a halfmude woman, so she couldnt shout for help). We had a lot of fun, i feel truly great here.
the landscape around Lago Titicaca is amazingly beautiful
I crossed the border again. They never know what on earth is Hungary, so they always hope to charge me some visa :) But then they have to see in thei rlong list of EU countries that it figures there and have to let me go. Maybe they sing me a Susana, Susana :)
There was a beauty competition for Andean women.
Here the lon distance buses usually stop for a short lunch. So this is how i returned to Copacabana. The bus stopped for 2 hours to not have one seat empty... We had to wait till they sold all the tickets. One guy had to get off and go with another bus to make room for a couple. Scale economy rules here.
My lunch in Copacabana was trucha! I left the head, thank you.
I arrived in la Paz late, so i decided to stay in a hostal one night. I went to the same place where i stayed a few weeks before, it was like arriving home. In the evening i strolled around the ever busy markets, i bought some earring, some fruits and a new book of Isabella Allende.
The next morning i had to arrive early to the station to buy my ticket. Instead of buying direclty to Santa Cruz i bought till Cochabamba. It is way much cheaper like this! Besides, if you arrive one hour before the start, they give you a reduced price. There are countless young girls and boys in jogging outfit shouting around in the station the city names, guessing your destinations from the way you look around. Cocha cocha cocha Bamba!!!!!!! The girl made me a discount of 10 bolivianos, but she charged me 2 for her services. She was buena onda, so i gave the 2 bolivianos to her. Not like the little children around bolivia, who want to charge you all the time for taking photos of them. If you look at me, you have to pay as well - i tell them ususally.
Next to me arrived a woman, chollpa (traditional woman), with 2 children. Obviously she only bought one ticket for the 3 of them, so it wa skind of interesting. And since the children were drinking coca cola all the time, all the hope that they would sleep on the way vanished in the air. Inspite of all, i like the tolerance... Nobody complained to her when she put her baby wrapped in her aguayo (these scarfs where they carry all their belongings) on th floor. everybody took care and told others, take care, dont step on the baby :)
The landscape started to change from high mountains, to greener lowlands. I was starting to be warm, after many many weeks...
I arrived in Cochabamba at 6, i bought a ticket for santa cruz for 8:30 pm. I went for a dinner and i found a coffe house! Just like in Europe! I was so happy, there were men talking about business and friends having fun. I had a reeeeally nice cappuccino! I was still happy coz i did not know that in a few hours my bus breaks down in the middle of nothing and i would wait 8 hours... It was a nightmare! The driver went to search for help and he did not return only after 5 hours...When we started off again, some camions crashed, so there was a line again! I wanted to die.
In Peru i didnt spend so much time. So I cannot tell you much about the country in general. I was in Arequipa, with the best sunsets in the world.
The bar Mono Blanco (White Monkey) is where we went out. Its name derives from one of the Nazca lines. They are these misterious huge landscape art lines made by some precolumbian nation.
Cuzco, I stayed in the house of Gerardo.
Cuzco is a fancy touristy town. It used to be the inca capital. So there are some big stones, this is the famous one with 12 angles.
One million kinds of potatoes.
I love to eat in comedores!
Cuzco is supposed to have been designed to have the form of a puma... hmm, with a little fantasy,
There is a Christo.
San Blas is the bohemian quarter... More or less like in Granada, many artists decide to stay here.
Crazy masks and tons of silver earrings.
An eartquake secure place...hmm, really?
Have i showed you my llama? My new travell companion...
Inca cola
Cuzco is the most beautiful city i have seen here. Almoast like some italian old town.
I was here around the 6th of January, la bajada de los reyes. Just like in Spain, they celebrate the arrival of the three kings. There were dances on the streets
I find it cute how the newspapers were full with happy wishes for Chirstmas and New Year, companies, priests, politicians, all dedicating half a page to greet the people.
On the way back, i took the option of walking 3 hours along the rails... And then from Santa Teresa it was 8 hours by bus.
An interesting way to cross the river
The entrance village to machu pichu is Aguas Calientes. There are only hostels and restaurants. There was a christmas tree of plastic bottles
I could have tried cuy (guinne pig)...
I know what a rainy season means now...It was raining allllll the time
Machu Pichu was discovered only in the beggining of the 20th century. It was probably built by the emperor Pachacutec. He was the emperor who converted the inca empire to its known extensions. The Incas were probably just a tribe like many many others around here, and they extended their empire from ecuador down to argentina in just one generation. His career with battles started when he saved Cuzco from another tribe and the stones of cuzco themselves helped him.
It is said that Pachacutec transformed history and told in a way that it seemed more or less that before the incas, there were only primitive tribes around here... 
3 generations afterwards, the Inca empire faced serious inner conflicts. The illnesses taken in by the europeans started killing the locals before their guns. in 1527 an epidemic killed half of the 25 million empire population, among them the emperor Huayna Capac. The empire got divided between his two sons, Atahualpa with his base in Ecuador (the incas liked the pretty ecuatorian girls) and Huascar based in Cuzco. Atahualpa finally defeated Huascar, killing one of the last God Son descendant... Pizarro had it easy to occupy these lands, they were in the middle of a civil war. Atahualpa was kidnapped and later killed.
The Spanish decided to install a puppet emperor, a half brother, Manco. He later lead one of the biggest and last revolutions against the conquerers...

I am full with mosquito bites
Here in Santa Cruz i went to 3 hospitals to ask for antimalaria pills for Brasil... They did not give me coz they insisted that there is no prevention... Okay, it is not 100 percent but it helps, come on! So i will bathe myself in repellent and hope for the best...
See you in Brasil!
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