
One camera less, one city more

Okay it is the time to complain a little :) and whatever, argentinos are famous for doing it as well - maybe we hungarianas have some strange connection with them, who knows. Our flight was the longest in my life till now, and i honestly hope also for all my life. The aircompany Aircomet had changed already our flight 3 times - that was the reason why we stayed finally 2 days in Madrid. In madrid we saw on TV that the workers are on strike coz they didnt get payed -this sounds the kind of story when finally the company goes bankrupt, does it? We are a little worried if we will return from here :( To make things worse, a lady with whom we shared the taxi told us she got dumped onetime by Airmadrid, and had to buy herself a new ticket... Conclusion: dont buy always the cheapest tickets!
After a nice nap of 2 hours at the airport at night we headed to search for our check in counter... Well, on the screen there was missing the counter only of one flight (out of 100), guess what: aircomet Madrid-Buenos Aires. Finally we found it somehow, it was the longest queue in all the airport. They announced at least on the aeroplane that we will have all the movies and this services for free, for al the inconveniencies... I had a screen in front of me on the backside of the other seat, you could play games, movies everything. I watched more or less 5 movies.
The food was not too much, in fact it was not even enough for an ant. And I ordered Low Fat food (when i had to mark something on the booking i didnt consider it would make any difference) - so I had only vegetables!!! Which could be fine but leaves you with hunger. And Vero ordered LOw SAlt, which ment the same as mine (vegetables only) , but stricly without taste :D
In Lima they let us out of the plane since everybody was going out of mind. So i visited the airpot of Lima, great. They told us it was because the plain couldnt go thorugh the air of Brasil - burocratic problems they said... Anyway, the best part was when going OUT he plain we had to go through controllings! It was there that a woman started shouting coz she had more or less a nervous breakdown...
We arrived at 11 pm local hour Buenos Aires, instead of 4 in the afternoon. At least Aircomet payed us the taxi, if not it would have taken us 2 hours by bus to arrive to our host (couchsurfing again), Julia.
And the best part: my camera got stolen yesterday - fortunatly only the small cheap one but still, big misfortune! And of course in the end of the day when I had many photoes of the city in it :( I checked the prices today for a new one, and they are more or less the double than in Europe - but why?
And Veronika is eaten by mosquitos and she is afraid of the Dengue fever. And I took my fist antimalaria pill - hope to not get schizofrenic or whatever side effects from it.
The city is great and I love it, I hope to write soon about it packed with some photoes. I hope no more complaint will come
ciao ciao

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